We’re making our way back down to the dirty south. Thanks to everyone who came to visit our table at FanExpo Toronto, ya’ll were great! We’ll see when we can make it out again.
Next stop: Dragoncon!
Wow, thank you all so much for your contributions. We’ve met the goal for an ad-free September! I can’t tell you how much better it feels to have the comic be supported by all of you instead of Google’s Hive Mind. Towards the end of the month everyone who contributed can expect an email with your September bonus goodies.
Thanks again!
Yeah? Me too, and I’m tired of hearing it and I’m sure you are too.
If you look to the top, right, and bottom you may see something missing.
The goddamned ads. And if we can help it they’ll stay gone.
The burden of having those things on the site was offset by how much we were getting paid. However, I’ve reassessed the situation. I’m not sure that spending time tracking down the asshole advertiser of the week that redirects you guys, or puts up nasty ads, or publishes ads that cover the whole website is more important than improving the site, editing comics and producing books. I’m not sure and I never have been.
Penny Arcade has the right idea: we’re not in the business of selling ad space, we’re in the business of making you laugh. We’ve joked about selling out before, but honestly if we keep clinging to an ad supported model instead of a reader supported one, it becomes less of a parody and more of a prophecy.
Ideally we’d mitigate the removal of advertising by applying the power of your giggles directly against our mortgage.
Unfortunately the closest that science can currently come is that new tip jar on the left.
We’ve gone ahead and made the remainder of August ad free, and the donation drive is to eliminate ads for the month of September. In September the drive will be to eliminate ads for October and so on.
The goal is set to match our previous ad revenue, and every bit is appreciated. As a thank you, everyone who donates will be receiving exclusive content at the end of each drive. If you are unable to donate, then share your favorite strip with a friend via our social media buttons, email, or smoke signal. Sharing a strip is just as helpful as a donation!
So please, consider contributing what you can. With your help we can get back to focusing more on the funny and less on the money.
Thank you all!
So, I’d just like to confirm that our socks have been rocked. We’re currently compiling the bonus goodies and they will be sent out at the end of the month via email.