Archive for ‘Comics’
I did not finish the buffer for Dragon con. You get sketches for the rest of the week. Because kids and sleep and sanity and ohmygod dragon con.
If you do make it out to Atlanta, I’ve got a couple panels.
Friday 10pm Hilton room 313 “Webcomics”
Saturday night (Sunday morning 1am) Hyatt International North “Kilt Blowing”
Sunday 7pm Hyatt Inman “Creating Comics for Print and Web”
I did not finish the buffer for Dragon con. I prioritized my kids and sanity. The little one was home with a fever the past few days so I wasn’t getting as much work done as I would have liked. I will probably (maybe) make it back around to inking these once I recover from dragon con.
If you do make it out to Atlanta, I’ve got a couple panels.
Friday 10pm Hilton room 313 “Webcomics”
Saturday night (Sunday morning 1am) Hyatt International North “Kilt Blowing”
Sunday 7pm Hyatt Inman “Creating Comics for Print and Web”
I’ve got some books left over from Gencon, so I’ll be able to do Dragon Con next weekend.
My table is in Comics Pop Artist Alley which is one floor above the vendors room. It’s in Americasmart building 2 on the 4th floor. Table 103
I’ve got a few panels that I’ll be on too.