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Livestream Wednesday December 16th at 9pm EST, 6pm PST
Brought to you by Patreon!
It’s time for the annual Krampusnacht Sale! So here’s something for all you naughty boys and girls:
ID Volume 6 is out!
Being naughty outside the US? No worries, the Krampus knows where you live, and will use a reputable carrier to ship your book for cheap:
Canada: http://amzn.to/1NwTbiZ
United Kingdom: http://bit.ly/1NwTjiu
Germany: http://amzn.to/1NyuIWo
Spain: http://amzn.to/1lDODN9
Italy: http://amzn.to/1NNfd32
France: http://amzn.to/1jF6JNh
Don’t own any of the previous ID books? we’re having a RIDICULOUS sale on those! The first five for $26.66:
And sure why not, let’s cross the streams: We’re keeping the Plush Doll Trio through the Krampusnacht sale!
Happy Krampusnacht Everyone!