Archive for ‘Blog’
I’ll be in KANSAS CITY, MO this weekend, November 10 and 11 for Contraception! It’s gonna be wild.
I’ll be in PENSACOLA FLORIDA this weekend for Fandom at the University of West Florida
Are my gonads in imminent danger?
How did the police find us? And how come we didn’t end up in the back of a paddy wagon?
What could have led to this debaucherous babbling?
Donate this month and find out!
Along with bonus comics you’ll also get behind the scenes material that won’t make it into the books, on the count of books not playing audio or video very well.
Go to your local comic shop and ask them to order in Devil’s Panties volume 6. The order code is OCT121055
Or pull it electronically.
Devil’s Panties Volume 6 is now available for order at your local comic shop. Pull it electronically, or into the ears of your shoppe keeper whisper the following in the oldest tongue: OCT121055.
Thank you all for coming together and meeting the goal for October. Contributors should be waking up to some behind the scenes goodies this morning. Sorry I couldn’t get it out sooner and thanks again, you guys rock.
I’ve got a bunch of panels at this weekends Intervention in DC
How to make money in Webcomics! 3pm Friday panel room 1
Everything you wanted to know about tabling at a convention. 4pm Friday
There is a line- Handling potentially offensive topics in webcomics (18+) 10pm friday
Then on Saturday
The Devil’s Panties (18+) Noon on Saturday panel room 2
Back in my day: The webcomic veterans panel 3pm Saturday Large Panel Room
Flirting For Geeks (PG-13) 8pm Saturday panel room 1
We’ll be at Intervention in Rockville, Maryland the weekend of September 21st. It’s just $45 for the weekend or $20 for friday. There’s gonna be a TON of amazing webcomics there, like
Stupid Insane Defenders Against Chaos
And a Metric TON of other amazing guests
If you pitch in any amount this month you’ll help make the site ad free for the month of October. You may also get a warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach.
That would be food poisoning.
Also, you might get a little something in your inbox at the end of the month.
That would be you being awesome.