Archive for ‘Comics’
There comes a time when a baby refuses to lay prone for a diaper change. They begin to roll like a crocodile trying to drown its prey. Sometimes a parent will perfect the art of putting a diaper on a standing toddler. Most of the time this results in leaks and blowouts.
I have yet to get a comic idea from social media. I keep telling myself it’s to get a bead on the collective tone of humanity… or some such bullshit.
I had checked out “The ocean at the end of the lane” and “When women were dragons”. I never did get around to reading them. I’ll be going back to check them out again and try for the No Screen time before Bed.
Obby does some bad ass parenting. My kids love summer dresses but in the winter I insist on a warm base layer. That seems to have inspired some redundant layering techniques. I don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to fashion ability, so I just let it roll. As long as it’s weather appropriate and won’t get in the way on the playground, go for it!