Jen and I will be in Indianapolis this weekend for Gen Con.
Booth 1952 will be our home for the week, and the neighborhood just won’t ever be the same.
Swing by and say hi and give your wrists some recovery time between rolls.
Jen and I will be in Indianapolis this weekend for Gen Con.
Booth 1952 will be our home for the week, and the neighborhood just won’t ever be the same.
Swing by and say hi and give your wrists some recovery time between rolls.
iPhone users rejoice, The Devil’s Panties is now available on Comic Chameleon.
It’s a worthwhile app to try out if you read comics on the web, and it’s free! You might find that we’re in very good company.
Download the app and check it out!
Jen will be a guest on the Scallywags Sketchcast on 06/22 @ 9PM EST, somewhere in the vicinity of here. Technically the NSA can spy on everyone watching the stream, because the phenomenal @oabnormal will be dueling against Jennie all the way from Columbia, while @dernjg wrings his hands over the spectacle like some sort of deranged kumite judge.
Also, the monthly live stream will be happening 06/25 @ 8:30PM EST, hereabouts. For patrons who pledge $10 and over, you get to make sketch suggestions!
So get to suggesting.
We’ll be at A-Kon this weekend at table F18 in the Artist’s Alley. Also, negotiations have broken down, and table F17 has been annexed by the People’s Republic of Panties.
Swing on by our little empire and say hi!
Also also, there be panels:
12pm: How Do I Webcomic?
Panel 3 – Emerald – Tower, First Floor
2:45pm: Humor-Based Webcomics 1 – Humor in Story
Panel 3 – Emerald – Tower, First Floor
6:45pm, Money for Nothing and Comics for Free
Panel 3 – Emerald – Tower, First Floor
1:30pm: Artist Alley 101
Panel 3 – Emerald – Tower, First Floor
2:45pm: Humor-Based Webcomics 2 – The Art of Stripping
Panel 3 – Emerald – Tower, First Floor
10:45pm: Filthy Figments – The Art of Risque Comics – 18+!!
Panel 3 – Emerald – Tower, First Floor
SUPER ALSO: We’ll be doing the scavenger hunt thing at A-kon. There’s 4 pieces to the puzzle, 3 of them will be distributed via convention bag, but the 4th will be hidden throughout the convention, we’ll be dropping clues via @devilspanties.
Good luck!
I don’t know who we bamboozled, but The Devil’s Panties: Volume 1 is now available on ComiXology.
Grab a copy before someone notices.
Hey Guys,
Occasionally I hit some bumps trying to navigate the SS Panties through the waters of the business world, and I hit a doozy last Christmas. I discovered a company that scores sites based on content, and that score can have a severe impact on ad revenue. I’ve documented my adventure in this article:
While we’ve come out the other end OK, this is a problem that can still be affecting other artists out there that use banner ads to generate revenue.
My intent isn’t to bring out the pitchforks against these guys, but to bring attention to their practices in the hopes of increasing the transparency of their organization (e.g. having a better appeal process).
So take a look, and share the article! Hopefully it’ll help someone out there.
P.S. You guys rock.
Jen will be be exhibiting at Calgary Expo this weekend.
Come by and say hi at booth C 05, and maybe save a little on shipping!
She’ll also be on the following panels:
Devil’s Panties -Â Friday April 25Â @Â 5:30pm in the Quarter Horse
Creating Webcomics – Saturday April 26 @ 4:30pm also in the Quarter Horse
Wish I could make it, but maybe next year!
We’re exhibiting at Emerald City Comic-Con this weekend in wonderful Seattle.
Come by and say hi at booth #1411.
Jen will be on a panel this year called “Wit and Wisdom of Webcartoonists” on Friday, March 28 in HALL D (602-603) at 1:40PM – 2:30PM
We’ll also be running a little scavenger hunt to win a free copy of Devil’s Panties Volume 1. We have 3 different flyers that will be distributed with some convention bags, and there’ll be a special fourth flyer hidden around the convention. Turn all four flyers in at our table and you get DP Volume 1 for free!
Hints will be dropped via @devilspanties throughout the weekend.
Good Luck!
Jen’s going to get into the habit of doing a monthly livestream, starting this month!
The stream will be viewable here:
See ya there!
You may have noticed the giant Patreon banner up top, or the button to the left, or the story earlier in your data stream. I don’t know how you consume our morsels anymore, but we’re delighted that you do.
Anyway, I’m here to tell you that despite the ever-cleverer panhandling we engage in, you shouldn’t feel bad if you can’t contribute any money.
It really is enough that you continue to read the comic. Sometimes we wake up and are amazed that anyone reads it at all, let alone thousands of anyones.
But there are other ways to support the comic, and one of those is sharing. While financial support is important for the immediate survival of The Devil’s Panties, social support is important for it’s long term stability and growth.
Word of mouth is how this comic got started, how Jennie got started, and it’s how they’ll both keep on thriving.
If you see a comic you like, and know someone who will love it, or know of a community on some far corner of the internet that would get a chuckle out of it, let them love it! Show it to them!
It’s via your shares, notes, likes, tweets, and reddit posts that the comic will continue to draw the audience which fuels the Devil’s Panties machine.
Thank you all!