Archive for ‘News’
We’re resurrecting the old monthly campaign drive, combining it with Bonus Booty, adding new rewards, and going for some new goals.
And we’re wrapping it all up in Patreon.
Patreon is sorta like Kickstarter, but instead of supporting one humongo project, you’re supporting ongoing, smaller efforts. You’re pledging for a unit of work. Most people on Patreon ask for support per thing(in our case that thing is a comic strip), but since Jennie updates every day, and we’re not in the bankrupting business, our unit of work is a month of daily updates.
Just like Kickstarter, there are rewards and goals.
For rewards, the new stuff in addition to Bonus Booty is access to a monthly livestream and signed, high resolution copies of the month’s most popular comics.
The goals are the big news for long-time readers. Depending on the amount of direct patronage we get per month, Customers Suck and Geebas on Parade can make a comeback. Jennie has been wanting to make new Customer’s Suck and Geebas for a long time, but she’s been so busy traveling and working on other sources of income that they’ve fallen by the way-way-side. This is a chance to resurrect them via your support.
Check out our Patreon Page, check out the rewards, and pledge what you can. Or just watch Jen make an adorable goofball of herself.
Thank you all for being awesome.
P.S. Current Bonus Booty subscribers will continue to receive all the Patreon rewards for the $5 and below level, this includes wallpapers. There is no need to switch unless you want a higher or lower level of reward.
Hey guys,
Just did a fair amount of maintenance on the website, everything seems to be running smoothly so far, but if it’s not, please yell at us!
Our 2014 Convention Schedule is slowly coalescing.
The next stop will be in March for Emerald City. We got a Pacific Northwest fetish, what can we say?
Check out the proto-schedule here.
More updates soon.
We’ll be visiting Portland this weekend. Gonna get to know the place a bit better, maybe hunt for apartments. In between all that we’ll find some time to be at Portland Comic-Con.
Come say Hi to us in the Artist Alley at table C35, or glean some nearly useful trivia from Jennie at these panels:
11:00 – 11:45AM
Comic Life on the Web
Room C120
5:30 – 6:15PM
Oregon Ballroom 202
See ya there!
We have another Krampusnacht sale this year for you naughty boys and girls! This time the Krampus Bag contains:
– Con Artists (nsfw)
– ID volume 1-4 (definitely NSFW)
– Kilt Poster
– Kilt Playing Card Deck
– Devil’s Panties Bag
And to keep the price nice and scandalous, we’re offering it for $36.66, which is almost 50% off!
If you got last year’s Krampus Bag, we’re offering a little Krampus Bag Update as well for $26.66.
Sale ends December 9th.
Happy Krampusnacht, Everyone!
We’re offering some discounts for the whole Black Friday/Cyber Monday thing this year. Bonus: You probably won’t get trampled or anything.
Check out the sales below, and be sure to check out the store for some random small discounts on books!
Devil’s Panties Volume 3: 50% Off
Devil’s Panties Volume 0: 50% Off
Digital Graphic Novel Pack: $20 Off
In the online, screw meat-space spirit of ComfyCon, I’m happy to announce that The Devil’s Panties volumes 1-7 are now available for download.
Now you can enjoy the entire collection of graphic novels on whatever bleep-bloop you have handy! If you’ve never read the graphic novels, there are a ton of goodies that were never posted online, along with lots of polish and editing. Give Volume 1 a shot, and see what you’ve been missing.
P.S. Here is Jennie’s tentative schedule for ComfyCon:
*Friday 10pm* – Is It Funny?: Panel on Google Hangout with Jennie Breeden (The Devil’s Panties /@jenniebreeden). Writing a humorous comic or translating your life into comic form.
*Saturday 6pm* – So This One Time At Comic-Con: Panel on Google Hangout with Jennie Breeden (The Devil’s Panties/@jenniebreeden). Convention story time.
*Sunday 4pm* – Where Am I & How Did I Get Here: Panel on Google Hangout run by Jennie Breeden (The Devil’s Panties//@jenniebreeden). Creators talk about how they started drawing and the events that lead them to where they are now.
Keep your eyes on the ComfyCon site and #ComfyCon on Twitter for more updates! Jennie’s streams will be on but she’ll be popping her head in other panels, so stay tuned!
Hey everyone!
Jennie will be participating in the second annual ComfyCon, which starts TOMORROW!
Huh? What’s that? You can’t possibly travel to a convention with only a 24 hour notice?
Well, you’re in luck: This is an online convention, IN THE CYBERWEBS EVEN!
Throughout the weekend all sorts of webcomic scoundrels will be hosting video panels about lots of fun stuff, and will be offering discounts or special items on their stores, all from the comfort of their own homes.
And you can join them!
An initial schedule has been posted at the ComfyCon website.
See ya’ll there!
Our latest bundle of joy is now available for order at your local comic shop. The Diamond ID is NOV131041, which is much less blush-inducing to say than “The Devil’s Panties”.
Also, there is a high likelihood of online video hijinks this weekend, keep your eyes on this space for more details.