Back in my day, we used ku-chunk machines and phone connections! My card reader cost $500 and a $50 monthly rental fee! The iPad was cheeper and it did more than process credit cards.
Posts Tagged ‘conventions’
There was a girl at Dragon Con who dressed as a playground mushroom with all the little nick nacks that you’d find at a playground. It was adorable. She’s in the background.
Shit goes down during Dragon Con. Floods and hurricanes and everyone seems to have to overcome some huge obstacle to get there. This year we seemed to hop those hurtles with glee. We’ve all leveled up our ‘dealing with shit’ stats.
I’m usually so busy getting everyone else’s shoes on and making sure they all go to the bathroom that I forget to do the same to myself or I think I can just push through without taking care of myself.
There was a convention friend I had who ran fetish shows. I think he was the one who gave me my first knife for self defense. I mostly used it as a box cutter but I traveled alone and would walk from the convention to the hotel with a lot of cash on me. Hell yeah, I carried a knife.
And if something feels wrong, be it relationship, job, home, strangers, then you should leave. This goes for everyone.