I’ll be at VanCaf on May 23 and 24 in Vancouver Canada at table C11 along with a PILE of amazing artists! There’s FREE ADMISSION!!
Archive for ‘News’
Jennie will be braving the thawing north this weekend to exhibit at Calgary Expo.
This will be another chance to pick up Volume 8 before we officially launch it, and you get to skip those crazy shipping costs that magically happen because of sovereignty, or something.
Pass by table C02 and snatch yourself a copy before they run out!
Welp, being 3 hours away from Seattle is proving to be dangerous.
Hot off of Emerald City, Jen is making her way up to Seattle again this weekend for Sakura-Con. Come by and watch Jen as her coffee wears off!
We’re headed to Seattle this weekend to exhibit at Emerald City Comic Con.
You can find us at table 1411, in a rough neighborhood occupied by hooligans.
Also, we’ll be doing a soft launch for The Devil’s Panties Volume 8 at Emerald City. Swing by if you want to be among the first people to get ahold of our latest book. As usual it has a ton of bonus goodies, and it also has a bunch of comic strips that are exclusive to the book, and it’s awesome, and it’s only a year and a half late!
See ya there!
I’ve posted an original for sale. Auction ends in 5 days.
There was a problem with international purchases via Google Play. I’ve figured it out and so far I’m hearing reports of success.
So, let’s try it again!
Grab a FREE copy of Devil’s Panties Volume 1 on Google Play, and be sure to check out the rest of the series too.
Thanks for your patience, and let me know if anything’s broken!
In addition to Gumroad and comiXology, our e-books are now available on DriveThru Comics and Google Play. Wherever possible the books are DRM-free.
And speaking of free…
For a long time we’ve maintained that the books are the best way to experience The Devil’s Panties. This isn’t just us trying to shill: the books go through at least 2-3 rounds of editing, have a bunch of behind-the-scenes content (photos, cliff-notes, games, etc.), and many of them have bonus comics that are exclusive to the books. This is in addition the awesome things that come from just being a book; like off-line access, and the ability to make you sit on the toilet so long your legs fall asleep.
Well, we’ve decided to put our money where our mouth is.
The Devil’s Panties Volume 1 is now available for FREE on Drivethru Comics, Gum Road, and Google Play, and for 99 cents on comiXology. Volume 1 is one of the biggest improvements over the webcomic since Jennie had to redraw the first year of The Devil’s Panties. So if you don’t own Volume 1 there’s hundreds of strips you haven’t read.
Please enjoy Volume 1 on us, it’s the least we can do for all your support over the years.
Thanks, and enjoy!
For those of you who are all about the comiXology, DP Volume 3 is now available.
The rest of the series will be trickling onto comiXology slowly but surely, so you’ll never have a boring poop ever again.
Hey guys, just a friendly reminder that Bonus Booty exists, and that it has an RSS feed.
Also, every Bonus Booty update has free and premium content, so even if you’re not a patron, you get to hear Jennie’s ramblings, see her sketches and stick figures, and see some bonus comics!
So check it out, subscribe via the feed, or keep an eye on the Bonus Booty widget on our website for updates!
We’re going to roll out of bed and exhibit at Wizard World Portland this weekend.
You can find us being totally professional at table D1 in the Artist’s Alley.
We’ll have things and stuff!