HappyGoth’s husband built his own recumbent bike. I never did work it into the comics. Becca also got goosed in a very painful way by her bike seat. Again, the humor of life passed over for comic form.
Posts Tagged ‘sketch’
From a drawing session that I went to months ago at HodgePodge coffee house. December 16th, 7 minute and 30 second sketch. The model wore a bathing suit so it was easier to figure out proportion because you had a point of reference.
I did waaaay too much reference and research for tuesdays comic about the Retail Avenger in the book store. I did a ton of sketches of kids throwing tantrums and piles of cluttered books. I like to think that it builds characters…
All my sketches that night were “nude” until I drew nipples and then suddenly the drawings looked “naked”!
I went to a figure drawing session this week. I used a pen and made myself stop sketching and just draw one clean line. It’s like jumping off a cliff. You have to just do it and pay close attention to space.
Also, this is the first time I’ve gone to a figure drawing class where the model was clothed. Wow, it’s so much easier! Clothes are like a cheat sheet for the body. “Ooh, the swimsuit straps are halfway down so that puts the shoulder there and the elbow there….”