Having coffee with the girls. My friend Becca had some sketch cards that we played with. I used her reference photo that she was using for a flipped Little Red Riding Hood. This was the wolf.
Posts Tagged ‘sketch’
Hodge Podge is my new favorite place.
It’s a coffee shop and gallery that’s been open for about three months now. Thursdays they have open crafts (so far, just knitters) and open mike night. We munched on bacon cheese roles, iced coffee, and was serenaded as we knitted.
Also, it’s on my bike rout from home and the post office.
So people should buy more stuff from my store so I have an excuse to stop in at the awesome coffee shop. I may have to do a cartoon about the little girl and her friend “Bruiser” the pit bull at the junk yard next door.
Georges Seurat Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte 1884-1886
I read somewhere that the woman with the monkey is a prostitute. Something about women of ill repute owning monkeys?
Going back to drawing adaptations of famous works for the sunday art update. Most of what I know about Madame de Pompadour I learned from a Doctor Who episode. But it just strikes me that the women of history who were strong and intelligent had to be particularly devious to gain power in a time when women were “powerless”.
I changed a few things from Francois Boucher’s original. I couldn’t put a giant bow on her neck so I put a portrait and I’ve got her reading a comic book. I like to think it’s watchmen…though the panels are off for that. And the original has friggin flowers everywhere. hmm, and the picture that I originally worked from was black and white, so I didn’t catch all of the blue flowers and I gave up on half the ribbons.