Posts Tagged ‘coffee’
But today they played some music from the Tank Girl movie and (shut up, I didn’t know it was bad at the time. punk teens in Virginia in the 90’s took what they could get! shut up!) I was vibing.
I was facetiming Happygoth and she mentioned ADD drinks? The drinks you accumulate but you’re still drinking them, so now you have a bunch of cans and cups that you’re still drinking.
Now I feel weird going in because the music is NOT subtle but where else am I going to get my jalapeño egg sandwich?!?
Coffee is quite a bit of bullshit. Doesn’t stop me from having my cup in the morning with a scoop of toffee ice cream. But after that, it’s all tea and matcha, because I can quit any time…
I have a bag of coins from back when you’d have change in your pocket and throw it in a container on your dresser at the end of each day. We don’t do that anymore.
Coffee for the inspiration, not necessarily good inspiration, but it gets the brain moving… in circles…