I just realized I drew my kids into the comic but forgot to draw myself in it. This was a conversation over text messages.
Archive for ‘Comics’
There’s nothing quite like seeing a mirror of your previously unobserved habits in someone else and having to wrestle with both. “Why don’t you have shoes on?!” I say, shoeless and washing dishes.
Obby and I take turns cleaning up dinner while the other puts the kids to bed. Turns out he’s much better at getting these kids to sleep than I am.
This was actually someone else. I saw a mom just walking through the parking lot with a flailing kid over her shoulder and another under one arm and she got one into the car and chased down the other. I was thoroughly impressed by her calm. I had to yell across the parking lot my support of her situation.
I have since gone through the house with Draino and a pot of boiling water. But sometimes the sinks just get backed up. The kids sink gets this pink grits build up.
There’s an age when all kids seem to be innately standoffish towards strangers who try and talk to them. I encourage this. Great survival instinct.