Posts Tagged ‘liz’
So, I was going to be worried about her reading the comics where I do mushrooms and pot cookies but then I realized I live in Oregon and that’s just a check box on medical surveys. There are the “goth” clubs I went to in my 20’s and it’s just occurring to me that she’ll be in her 20’s in, like, 15 years which SHOULD feel like a long time but I’m OLD so it does NOT feel like enough time to grapple with this realization.
The Viv only wants the whole cucumber. Liz likes the hand me down clip on ties from her cousin and Pikachu Onesie.
And apparently, it was full of neon. At least, according to today’s style, it was. I remember corduroy and plastic hair clips. I did have some teal and yellow high tops and Transformer velcro shoes. We had a trampoline and they hadn’t invented the covers for the springs yet (or at least, we didn’t have any) and a visiting kid did land face first into the springs and a rusty hook did cut her face and she had to get three stitches. Because it was the eighties.