Archive for ‘Comics’
Originally, this was the final panel to the “We can’t move away, what should we do?” comic from Tuesday. Obby came up with the turret idea.
In the second panel is a plastic dinosaur that has a cactus growing in it. DJ gave it to me years ago.
I’ve been told that the best home security is a dog, but Obby’s allergic to them and I travel so much that it would be animal abuse. Now THESE babies…
When I go to anime conventions, I see a lot of guys dressed as Pokemon Trainers and their girlfriend is dressed as sexy Pikachus. One time I saw a sexy totoro man. Ah, equal opportunity sexism.
Title:Â Rise of the Independent
Description:Â Creator owned, self publishing and kicking @$$! Find out what it takes to get it done.
Time: Fri 04:00 pm Location: Hanover F – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
Title:Â Webcomics
Description:Â A behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to produce a successful web-based comic strip series, given by both new and established webcomic artists.
Time: Sun 07:00 pm Location: Crystal Ballroom – Hilton (Length: 1 Hour)
Title:Â Kilt Blowing with Jennie Breeden
Time: Sun 11:30 pm Location: Hanover C – E – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
We really only had twenty minutes left when Obby found the video game room. He said that it stretched on for MILES. This was at Otakon.