Archive for ‘Comics’
Obby scraped up his hand yanking those signs down. Now he’s gonna get lock jaw! (he’s had his shots)
In some of the lower income areas there’s piles of these signs that are stapled everywhere. Technically, they’re illegal postings but mostly Obby gets frustrated that they pray on the gullible.
In the past few weeks I’ve found that, late at night, Facebook can send me into a fit of incoherent, mindless rage. I stomp around the house pulling my hair and try not to post anything until morning.
There were a lot more cartoons that will be in book 7 (I just have to ink them first)
also, working on book 6 right now.
tease |tēz|
noun informal
a person who makes fun of someone playfully or unkindly.
• a person who tempts someone sexually with no intention of satisfying the desire aroused.
• [ in sing. ] an act of making fun of or tempting someone: she couldn’t resist a gentle tease.