I’d struggle to nurse her for about an hour and then she’d drink 80ml of formula while I pumped 20 more milliliters of milk. It took over two months before I was able to feed her just with nursing and we still supplemented with formula until she switched over to solid food. Now I truly understand wet nurses. Not everyone is able to produce enough to feed their baby.
Posts Tagged ‘baby’
I learned in high school psychology that if you get less than four hours of sleep at a time then after about a week you start going crazy. I can not describe how… frustrating it was being told by all the doctors, nurses, and lactation consultants that we had to feed the baby every two – three hours. “And you can take a break and just pump instead of nurse and pump.” It takes more work and time to pump than to nurse. AND ANOTHER THING!!! (While I’m on this rant) it took me TWO MONTHS to get my milk supply to the point that I could feed my baby. I was hooked up to a machine or a baby that whole time and I was only covering 1/4th of what she was eating. I get a … bit…. triggered with the whole Breast is Best shit. Breast is not always an option. If you imply nursing is the only option then you’re implying that some of us will have to slowly starve our baby to death WEEE! GO FUCK YOURSELF! I really shouldn’t write these things at one in the morning.
Formula is awesome. Nursing doesn’t always work out and no one seems to tell anyone that.
The nurses tease that they have a “high tech” milking kit. It’s a plastic bag with a plastic spoon and eye dropper. You hand express milk into the spoon and transfer it to the newborn like liquid gold that you’ve squeezed from the stones of your unresponsive dry nipples.