Archive for ‘Comics’
I have found that letting them know I’m getting overwhelmed helps everyone step back before big explosions. It’s super important for kids to see that their parents get overwhelmed too.
We used MathTango and Endless ABC’s as iPad games to potty train. (sit on the potty and play on the iPad) She was reading sentences before kindergarten. This is mind boggling to me considering I didn’t start reading until second grade. She’s six and thanks to the Hack Packs from Crunchlabs is working on breadboards…. I don’t even know what that is.
Well, we’ve got Covid. The kids are staying home until we all test negative. We all got back from a trip last week and I was the only one to slack on my mask wearing for the last bit of the flight. I am glad that I’m in the habit of wearing a mask to the grocery store and daycare pickup when I’m feeling sick. It did not occur to me that a cough and runny nose was Covid. The two days of not being able to think clearly enough to drive a car safely really should have been a clue. I blamed it on sinus pressure.