Posts Tagged ‘home ownership’
The landlady was shocked that my mother didn’t fly across the country to babysit while we packed. No, Liz just watched Avatar the Last Airbender totally through three times.
Liz was one when we started going to open houses. She’d shut herself in every closet and yell “bing!” and I’d tell her what floor she was on.
Also got Covid during the loan paperwork and packing. Landlady said “don’t work too hard.” but also be out of the house by the end of the month.
When I bought that house in Atlanta in 2004 everyone said that buying a house is more stressful than losing a loved one. In 2004 buying a house was easy (keeping the house is the hard part, but I stayed within my budget). This time around it was way more stressful than losing a loved one.
The seller refused to fix anything and there are so few houses with back gates that open onto public park trails that go directly to the elementary and middle school. So yeah, we flopped right over that barrel.
We’ve been house hunting for about six years. We’d like something with a good school, a back yard, within our budget, and isn’t falling down. We’ve found houses that have three out of four.