Posts Tagged ‘moving’
The landlady was shocked that my mother didn’t fly across the country to babysit while we packed. No, Liz just watched Avatar the Last Airbender totally through three times.
Liz was one when we started going to open houses. She’d shut herself in every closet and yell “bing!” and I’d tell her what floor she was on.
Also got Covid during the loan paperwork and packing. Landlady said “don’t work too hard.” but also be out of the house by the end of the month.
I spent all my time packing everything I don’t need, thinking I’d pack the important things on the last day. Well, I didn’t. Now I’m in a house full of stuff I don’t need. I moved half a mile away, so tomorrow will be grabbing all the stuff I actually use. Oh, and there’s no internet. So there’s that. (Posted from my phone)