Posts Tagged ‘parenthood’
Before leaving for Dragon Con I hid some presents around the house and Cold Stone birthday cake ice cream in the freezer. Poor Obby’s birthday usually falls on Kilt Blowing each year. Bless his heart.
I’m usually so busy getting everyone else’s shoes on and making sure they all go to the bathroom that I forget to do the same to myself or I think I can just push through without taking care of myself.
My kids picked up on the concept of “we don’t own it until we pay at the front” store etiquette pretty quickly. I MOSTLY got them to follow the idea that you get to pick out one treat and if you want something else, you have to trade in that treat. It hasn’t backfired just yet. Diapers are so horrendously expensive. I am a BIG supporter of family planning. My kids are flipping amazing but this shit is no fucking joke.
I’ve got a friend who had a kid a year after me and then her second just dropped so now we’re trading clothes back and forth. Yeah, baby clothes are cheep, but you’re buying entirely new wardrobes every six months.