This was actually someone else. I saw a mom just walking through the parking lot with a flailing kid over her shoulder and another under one arm and she got one into the car and chased down the other. I was thoroughly impressed by her calm. I had to yell across the parking lot my support of her situation.
Posts Tagged ‘parenthood’
I have since gone through the house with Draino and a pot of boiling water. But sometimes the sinks just get backed up. The kids sink gets this pink grits build up.
All toddler kisses come with a lipstick ring of snot.
My mom used the fraise “they’re still a part of your skin”. For a while, your kid still feels like a part of your own body. After a point though, they really are rubbing snot on you and it is not alright.
This too shall pass. The reassuring thing about parenthood is that it will all change in a minute. Long days, short years.
Yucca and Jicama are both so much fun to say!
Obby about lost his mind googling weather or not I had poisoned everyone. I might have taken two years off of his life.
I googled EVERYTHING with a new baby. Nuclear families SUCK. There’s no one in the house to ask when it’s the first time that you’re doing the parenting thing. The up side is that there’s no one in the house to give unasked for advice.