Trying to sleep train Liz just made her more angry and she’d stay up for HOURS screaming. Viv actually kicked me out of the nursery.
Posts Tagged ‘viv’
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I have to tell both my daughters “You are strong and the world is delicate.” Liz broke the door handle off of our car. By accident.
There comes a time when a baby refuses to lay prone for a diaper change. They begin to roll like a crocodile trying to drown its prey. Sometimes a parent will perfect the art of putting a diaper on a standing toddler. Most of the time this results in leaks and blowouts.
There’s a few months where they’ve figured out how to pull themselves up but don’t have the balance for walking yet. Now, every grownup is a walker.
Trying to give my kids the tools to deal with their mom’s inability to leave them alone. I’m sure this isn’t going to come back to bite me in the ass.