Posts Tagged ‘parenthood’
So, I was going to be worried about her reading the comics where I do mushrooms and pot cookies but then I realized I live in Oregon and that’s just a check box on medical surveys. There are the “goth” clubs I went to in my 20’s and it’s just occurring to me that she’ll be in her 20’s in, like, 15 years which SHOULD feel like a long time but I’m OLD so it does NOT feel like enough time to grapple with this realization.
Italian Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti did Yoga with Cosmic Kids Yoga on the international space station and it was glorious. Her Barbie Doll is awesome.
We were still potty training Viv at the time. Lots of juice and puddles.
even doing the bare minimum can get overwhelming.
There’s a scene in Multiplicity of Michael Keaton struggling to get his daughter dressed for dance class and out the door and finally to the ballet class for pictures and is told it was rescheduled to tomorrow. He says with quiet rage “get a photographer down here NOW.” I think about that scene a lot.
I’ve told her I’m going to take a video of her past self telling her future self “Try it, you’ll like it.” after she likes something she swore she wouldn’t.
I’ll take sanity over tradition, thank you. Hotdogs and mac and cheese for the kids so I can enjoy my once a year meal.