Archive for ‘Comics’
Coffee is quite a bit of bullshit. Doesn’t stop me from having my cup in the morning with a scoop of toffee ice cream. But after that, it’s all tea and matcha, because I can quit any time…
I always do covid tests before and after travel and try to keep my mask on at home for a few days just to make sure I’m not bringing home a flue. Especially after a massive convention like Dragon Con, you usually get a bug after a week long social bender.
There’s some people who come to kilt blowing and they feel like they’ve found their crowed. There’s guys who have been coming for 14 years.
I wrote this comic in 2018 but through pregnancy and pandemic, wasn’t able to post it until now. These were some awesome Emperor’s New Groove cosplayers.
Before leaving for Dragon Con I hid some presents around the house and Cold Stone birthday cake ice cream in the freezer. Poor Obby’s birthday usually falls on Kilt Blowing each year. Bless his heart.
Obby had a doctor write him a prescription for Hoka shoes. Whenever I’m at REI I check the “garage sale” section and grab any Hoka in my size. I’ve got five pairs.